Microbiota vs Microbiome… An Introduction.
These two terms, Microbiota and the Microbiome are often used interchangeably when discussing the digestive system or the Gut (which you will hear me refer to a lot) but have slightly different meaning.
Microbiota refers to all the bugs or microorganisms that live within a specific environment, in this case, our digestive tract, that includes bacteria, viruses and fungi. The Microbiome however, refers to all of the genome, the genetic material of those microorganisms within our digestive tract. A little difference that you may or may not need to know, but there it is!
The crazy part is that you may actually be more Microbiome genome (trillions), than human cells, by the latest count of about 10 to 1, depending on your individual Microbiome. Because of their tiny stature though, they only make up about 1-3% of the body’s mass. The more we learn about the Microbiome and the metabolites created by our bacteria, the more we are realising just how much the state of our Microbiome or Gut can dictate the state of our current and future health as well as future generations. In fact, it’s critical.
Different species of bacteria perform different roles. For example, we don’t have all of the enzymes we need so some microbes break down further into nutrients that we are able to absorb and utilise for energy and performance. Some microbes however, produce beneficial compounds like anti-inflammatory metabolites, neurotransmitters and some vitamins that help to regulate our immune and nervous systems.
Our nutrition and lifestyle heavily influence the number and diversity of microbes, how effectively they work and whether our future health points to excessive inflammation and disease states or in a positive direction of healing and thriving.
Start to become curious about how your gut health might be interacting with other areas of your health. Incorporating ways to optimise the health of your digestive system is just one aspect of the journey I look forward to taking with you.
Happy gut health,
Sarah Kate.